Why Where You Store Your Photos Is So Important

Before you purchase your next computer, consider this:

I’m still using the shadow copy feature in Historian 4 to back up most of my photos on my computer.  But what I’ve found in the past few years is this:  I always needed more hard drive space, so I would purchase a bigger external drive.  With this system, it’s up to me to maintain a separate drive or drives to store my photos and maintain an adequate backup.  To manage things I’ve split up my vaults to make them smaller.  But I always run into the problem of having to remember to plug the backup drive into my laptop periodically so my shadow copy is up to date.

And then there are the hard drive crashes.  Not one.  Not even just one per year.  In 2016, I had to reinstall Windows 4 times.  In 2017, I’ve reinstalled again four more times on two different laptops.  Just a few months ago in late 2020, I upgraded my laptop again.

Can you see where this is going?

Why Where You Store Your Photos Is So Important Read More »

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